Friday, November 13, 2009

The Art of Ads.

Photo credit: Coca-a-cola.

Have you ever started rubberneckin' on ads you pass by on the freeway, because they're all so attractive and bold. Do you ever think about why they designed it that way? It's not just to cause traffic accidents, but to grab your attention on their product!

How does advertisement in society play a role in design? design in society?
The people that design these poppin ads know how to get you thinking about what they're doing. They want you to want what they got, to desire their products, go out and spend your money. These advertisementscan show us how society thinks today. In the past we can see that the design is much more relax and comforting, which people wanted back then to have a good life and home. Nowadays, ads have become more sexual and lusting, because society today thinks about image and outer appearances.

Designers need to be aware of social changes, so they can be on top of their game. Ads have become so elaborate and loud, meaning brighter and bolder. People are attracted to these kinda things, especially younger audiences. If you go around town in San Francisco, you'll see plentiful of exciting ads that make you say, "OHH!, that looks gooood!". The design in these ads manipulate how people think and how they act. If they see some model wearing something, they might want to be like that model and spend loads of money to look like that. So be careful on which ads you take into consideration.

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