Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I started on Monday, June 28, 2010 & hopefully by September 25, 2010, I'll be lookin decent. Haha.

Let's gooooo trang&Ricca!! haha I got her into this too! 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's over. & Happy Summer!

School is almost over and I'm so happy.

I have about a week though to make a kick butt video that will rack up them views! I needa win this bet! 

School is over and I'm totally happy! So I uploaded a video and got like 500 views so Idkay what is going to happen next with the bet. haha
I'm back home and still haven't unpacked, lol. I think I will today & make a video. Hopefully I'll finish that or even get started.

Right now, I'm being distracted by watching Chicago, haha, reminds me of my drama partner, he's a crazy guy, but pretty funny. He's obsessed with that movie. My arms look pretty ashy too, omfgg, haha it's because of my rash, darn the heat! darn it! My arms look like snow! Another problem I've been having is that I keep getting hiccups everyday! I'm getting a tad bit worried here!

 Okay I don't know what else to say. peaceee

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things I find attractive about guys.

-Guys who can rock the short ponytail. Like this. Or a sprout. Or just plain up.
-Sexy, fit, silky lookin arms. (No body builder status please.)
-Funny personalities. (I love these guys so much! Make me laugh=key to my heart.)
-Nice smile. (Doesn't need straight teeth or perfectly white pearls!)
-Guys in suits. (When they get all fancy-shmancy! Hella sexy)
-Sexy jaw lines. (Depends on the guy.)
-Pretty eyes.
-Can dance.
-Can sing/rap/beatbox.
-Play instrument. (Especially the geetar/peeano/or violeen).
-Gets shy sometimes.
-Tall. (At least taller than me! ahah)
-Can cook. (There are two keys to my heart. haha.)
-Smart guys. (The usual nerdy guys.)
-Guys with confidence. (Most def. not cocky.)
-Gentlemen status.
-When guys protect their chicka.
-Gives gooood HUGS. (Like the kinda hugs that make you feel protected&warm&not bone crushing, but strong.)
-Cheeezess hellla bad when they're frikkin happy. (Thee cutest!)
-Likes to help out people. <3
-Nice eyebrows.
-Not afraid of looking goofy, dorky, or stupid in front of others.
-Can draw/paint/anything artistic. (Third key to my heart)
-Wide range in music taste.
-Has a passion about something.
-Good at one thing rather than aiight in many things.
-Certain mustaches. (I guess depends on guy)
-Guys who can rock the snake bites & gauges.
-Tattoos, especially sleeve tats.
-Clean fingernails.
-Hairless chests. (Hairy chests disgusts me)
-Nice body. (Yeeehh buddy! haha)
-Family-orientated. +<3
-Cute laugh.
-Not afraid to take control. (wink wink, hahaha)
-Hopeless romantic.
-Good with kids.
-Has a sexy/cute stare.
-Knows how to drive cars/motorcyles, especially fast.
-Guys in uniform.
-When a guy kisses a girl's forehead.
-Moves a girl's hair away from her face.
-Dance like a fool to make a girl laugh.
-Says lame pick up jokes or just silly cute jokes.

Well that's pretty much what I can think of so far. +more later. <3 :D