Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things I find attractive about guys.

-Guys who can rock the short ponytail. Like this. Or a sprout. Or just plain up.
-Sexy, fit, silky lookin arms. (No body builder status please.)
-Funny personalities. (I love these guys so much! Make me laugh=key to my heart.)
-Nice smile. (Doesn't need straight teeth or perfectly white pearls!)
-Guys in suits. (When they get all fancy-shmancy! Hella sexy)
-Sexy jaw lines. (Depends on the guy.)
-Pretty eyes.
-Can dance.
-Can sing/rap/beatbox.
-Play instrument. (Especially the geetar/peeano/or violeen).
-Gets shy sometimes.
-Tall. (At least taller than me! ahah)
-Can cook. (There are two keys to my heart. haha.)
-Smart guys. (The usual nerdy guys.)
-Guys with confidence. (Most def. not cocky.)
-Gentlemen status.
-When guys protect their chicka.
-Gives gooood HUGS. (Like the kinda hugs that make you feel protected&warm&not bone crushing, but strong.)
-Cheeezess hellla bad when they're frikkin happy. (Thee cutest!)
-Likes to help out people. <3
-Nice eyebrows.
-Not afraid of looking goofy, dorky, or stupid in front of others.
-Can draw/paint/anything artistic. (Third key to my heart)
-Wide range in music taste.
-Has a passion about something.
-Good at one thing rather than aiight in many things.
-Certain mustaches. (I guess depends on guy)
-Guys who can rock the snake bites & gauges.
-Tattoos, especially sleeve tats.
-Clean fingernails.
-Hairless chests. (Hairy chests disgusts me)
-Nice body. (Yeeehh buddy! haha)
-Family-orientated. +<3
-Cute laugh.
-Not afraid to take control. (wink wink, hahaha)
-Hopeless romantic.
-Good with kids.
-Has a sexy/cute stare.
-Knows how to drive cars/motorcyles, especially fast.
-Guys in uniform.
-When a guy kisses a girl's forehead.
-Moves a girl's hair away from her face.
-Dance like a fool to make a girl laugh.
-Says lame pick up jokes or just silly cute jokes.

Well that's pretty much what I can think of so far. +more later. <3 :D

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