Sunday, September 26, 2010

106 Days of Summer.

June 10, 2010 - Summer Begins.
Day 1-Woke up @ 6:50a.m., went back to SLz with Tony. Slept and chilled at home.
Day 2-Stayed home, chilled, & started to watch Autumn's Concerto.
Day 3-Finished Autumn's Concerto & it was goooood, ate pho with the parentos, then watch The Human Centipede & Zombieland with Kevin, Dowel, Tony, Ly, and Michael @Tony's place=fun. Watched Sixteen Candles for the first time, it was good, I liked it.
Day 4-Chilled @ home, ate clams & spaghetti, bonded with Oreo, tried to learn Kara-Mister dance.
Day 5-Chilled @ home, ate leftover spaghetti, danced, Happy Birthday Ryan Kim & Ethan Carter!
Day 6-Tried to start unpacking, tried to watch Chicago=nogo, room's a mess, uploaded pictures from long ago. Watched Ride Away, don't know how I finished that movie=kinda boring.
Day 7-BBQ @ Marina with Slz peeps/friends/other, then Walmart around 10-11p.mish. & bought Kool-Aid, ate a twinkie, home.
Day 8-Hung out with Eliza,Annette,&Ricca @ Annette's place, played wii. @4:30p.m Went w/Ricca to go pick up her bro & drop him off at work @Emeryville. Chilled there til her bro got off from 6-10p.m. Ate BurgerKing&Teacake. Went to Apple store&played w/the Ipad&watched the finals:Lakers vs. Celtics, Celtics lost. Then went to Ricca's casa, hit up Carolyn, watched Ricca do dishes&George Lopez. Picked up Carolyn&back to Ricca's place&watched Hot Tub Time Machine=funny ass movie. 1:30a.m. @home, tried training dog, sleep.
Day 9-Back @ Emeryville to watch Toy Story 3 w/Amy H., Michael, & Ly=love that movie, almost cried&lots of laughs. Went to Nike, Coldstone, &Jody Maroni's, Apple&Ikea store again. Ate hot dogs, chips, drink all for 2 bucks @ Ikea, good shtuff. Then home.
Day 10-Ran w/Ricca @ Marina around 11:30a.m.(suppose to go @9:30a.m. haha), after we ate crepes from Frodo Joe's @Hesperian park. Went home & practiced driving for an hour. Made a father's day card for pops.
Day 11-Ate w/parents @Ao Sen, then went to some supermarkets. Went home & practiced driving for 2 hours @Oakland. Went home washed/cleaned the car & pop's car.
Day 12-The BIG day, the day I take my driver's test & failed. Critical error-Dangerous maneuver. Ugh was I soo depressed b/c my permit was going to expire in 3 days& I did not want to do all that stuff over, I lost all passion in driving. My moms then set me up with this driver's Ed dude to get me another appointment before my permit expires on Thursday, I don't need that fcking guy to teach me shit I already know, &I had already set up an appointment on Thursday. We'll see how that goes.Went to Fishman's annual party & that made me forget about my failure, the party was crackin. He introduced me, Ricca, Ly, & others to Rummikub=addicting!! haha. On the way home, Ricca drove home w/me, Ly, Samantha, &Claudia & a deer appears and runs right across in front of Ricca's car! We almost got roadkill! Hella scary.haha.
Day 13-Pops wanted to take me practice driving, I was so not feelin driving anymore&kinda drove recklessly. After I just chilled @home, sad & stuff.
Day 14-Pops knocked on my door@ 8a.m., I'm like wtheo? He's telling me the driver's Ed guy was coming now, I'm like wtf! My mom told me Thursday & it's Wednesday, are they kidding me, I didn't have time to shower & my hair was hella oily &sht. I was not happy. Driver's Ed guy looked like a fcking joke, &I don't need him telling me things I already know&the fact that my mom was paying him made me pissed as fck. He made me go on the freeway too! I never been on the freeway before & I ain't gonna lie, it was fun. I like driving fast man, that gave me some of my passion back. He made me drive to Vallejo&I paid for toll=4bucks. Drove around the area&I went to go retake my driving test=6 bucks. I PASSED, but didn't feel happy @ all. I wish my dad was there w/me instead of that guy, ugh. 7mistakes all on the limit line/gap. I really thought I was behind it, but I guess that I wasn't behind it enough. Oh well, I passed. I would have passed without the fckin driver ed dude. Then he made me donate 10bucks to the thing helping out children @the DMV. Spent 20bucks overall, but it felt good donating. Went home & told only a few peeps that I passed. Canceled my driving appointment on Thursday. Haha.
Day 15-Played w/Oreo. Ricca&Carolyn came to my casa, tried to play w/Oreo, but he was awfully shy today. Watched Toy Story 3 again.Good movie. Then went to target w/them b/c Ricca wanted to buy Rummikub! haha &black socks. Ricca&I wanted to teach Carolyn how to play, but she had to go home. So we hit up Ly to play, but he was eating @the time, so we went to eat too. We didn't know what to eat, so we ended up buying Lunchables @Lucky's. Lol. Parked in front of Ly's &ate our lunch. He came out&went to Walmart b/c Ly wanted to buy a tv cable, but ended up buying t-shirts. Went to my casa, played Rummikub, chilled, talked, more Rummikub, &more talking. They left like @12? I think.
Day 16-Chilled @ home. Started 520piece puzzle that Ricca gave me for my birthday. Finished it. More Rummikub.Tried to learn Nobody - Wonder Girls & I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance w/You - Black Kids.
Day 17-WARPED TOUR! 9:30a.m.-8:20p.m. Saw many great performances: The All-American Rejects, Motion City Soundtrack, Sum 41, Go Go 13, Face to Face, Alkaline Trio, We The Kings, Hey Monday, Alesana, Swingin Utters, & much more. Some cute guys&girls here &there. Then Carrows w/Ricca, Billy, & Danny. Yummm. :D
Day 18-Went to Costco w/parents &bro. Then Oakland for my moms to get her nail supplies. I drove to Walmart&Atm w/my bro. Went home played w/Oreo. Tony&Michael came to my house to drop off the USB w/p90x, then they left for Davis.
Day 19-Picked up Eliza & watched Grown Ups=helllla funnnnny movie! omg, I was crackin up the whole time! Then went to Target & went to her house, chilled w/Judy, Juana, & Cluadia. Talked, ate, & watched some tv. Then I let Judy drive herself home, Claudia drove back to Eliza's house, then Juana drove around the neighborhood=funny moments. Then went home, chilled some more, & officially started p90x=tough sheeit.
Day 20-Chilled @home, napped, made deviled eggs for the 1st time=somewhat success!, p90x.
Day 21-Went to girl's tennis practice today, chilled there for 2 hours, caught up w/the people. Let Judy drive home w/me &Juana in the car, it was kinda scary. That's probably how my brother&mom felt when I was driving, haha. p90x.
Day 22-Chilled @ home, p90x.
Day 23-Drove to Walmart to buy dog training pads& then going home I almost ran a redlight! Fck was I scared. haha. Chilled @ home, made some spring rolls w/my pops for dinner, p90x.
Day 24-Tried to cleaned the house, made brownies for my bro, chilled, finding out hella kpop news, p90x.
Day 25-Went to watch The Karate Kid & The Last Air Bender w/Tony, Michael, Ly, & Jamie. Karate Kid=goood film, I teared up a lot @ Jackie's breakdown part, Airbender=could have been better. Then went to Denny's. Then mi casa and tried to show them what Oreo can do, but he's a shy dude & get's scared so he poops&pees everywhere! One of my bro's friend came over w/his dog, & omggg it's sooo cute! The eyes were like crystal blue!Then went to Tony's place to watch fireworks, then dropped Jamie off. After went to see if any KFC's were open, b/c Tony wanted a DoubleDown thang=none open after 11p.m. Then went home. Ate food & watched I Give My First Love to You=one of the sadddest moviee I have everrr seeen! OMGAW but it's reeeally goood.
Day 26-Got a good start in cleaning my room, watched & finished First Kiss=what a good sad drama! Then watched Nana again, because I wanted to see the cute actor from First Kiss in Nana.
Day 27-Drove to Post Office to drop off Financial aid stuff for Davis. Played w/Oreo b/c no one was home. Then watched an episode of Beethoven Virus. @7p.m. Hung out w/Ricca, helping her collect bottles&cans til 11p.m. Fun night! Got a good amount of stuff. Ate Ricca's Cornbeef=delish!!
Day 28-Chilled @ home.
Day 29-Chilled @ home, then tried to curl my hair & get the Farrah Fawcett hairdo. Then went w/Ricca to Carolyn's house to pick up cans. haha. Saw Oreo climb up & down the stairs all by himself! Funny stuff.
Day 30- Suppose to hang out w/Carolyn today, but she too busay. Chilled @ home. Then Ricca came over around 10p.m. to get ready for Alex's hang out @ 11p.m. Finished getting pretty, then went to pick up Alexis, while we were waiting for her, Ricca craved ice cream, which led to me cravin some. So before we went to the party, we went to Lucky's & bought French Silk&The Cake flavor ice cream for 6 bucks. Yumm. @Alex's hang out=cool @ first til someone stole Ricca's phone=sad. 3a.m. went home. Couldn't sleep til 6a.m. Happy Birthday Roberto!
Day 31-Chilled @ home. Ate pho w/the parents. Happy Birthday Dan Neri!
Day 32-Chilled @ home. Ate pizza from Pizza Guys=okay.
Day 33-Went to Boiling Crab in San Jose w/Ricca, Alexis, &Ly=fun! Almost got into an accident driving there! Sorry guys. Wait time for BC was like 2hours, so went to Target and roamed around. Then let Ly drive around&found Ice Cream truck that looked like it was from the 60's. Ricca bought ice cream, then went to a random park. Headed back to BC&ate=goood stuff. Then back to Slz, didn't know what to do so we went to Slz, let Alexis drive around the parking lot until we figured somethin out. Went to Quickly's then Southland. Dropped everyone home. Ate homemade pho. p90x. Fck, I'm laggin on this already.
Day 34-Chilled @ casa. Guitard. Dog infestation=Fleas. Oh no.
Day 35-Went job hunting w/Ly. Ahh I don't think anyone is going to hire me. Fck.
Day 36-Chilled @ home. Super hot today. Guitard.
Day 37-Hanged out with Carolyn, Ricca, then Michael came way later. Chilled @ Carolyn's house, helping her find songs to play @ her sister's wedding! It was fun! Received a bracelet that Carolyn been meaning to give me for the longest time! haha Then back home @12a.m.
Day 38-Chilled @ home. Played guitar.
Day 39-Went to go eat Dim Sum w/the folks&bro. Went to Costco. Home. Got girly.
Day 40-Went w/Ricca to check up on Carolyn's ya know in Oakland @Merritt College. Then took Ricca to my old house I used to live in Oakland. Wow brought up memories man, I didn't even recognize much, everything looked smaller, I imagined it so BIG, maybe because I was young. Then went to Ricca's casa, saw her new&improved room, ate her sister's spaghetti=soo gooood! not nasty, I mean spicy. haha. Target had a school sale=20 notebooks, 3marker sets, 2 packs of flashcards=$7.55. SO HAPPY. Went around that area, in Old Navy tried on clothes for fun. Home.
Day 41-Chilled @ home. Curled my hair. Guitared. Back on P90x. haha. dayum I is laggin.
Day 42-Chilled @ home. Back to p90x.
Day 43-Chilled @ home. Can't remember what I did. p90x
Day 44-Chilled @ home. p90x
Day 45-Went shopping w/CARTA. Carolyn got a $140 shopping spree from us. Bought a yellow halter top=$6.50. Went to Sonics & got a watermelon slush=so sugary! Then Anna's casa, chilled&talked=love.  Home&p90x.
Day 46-Chilled @ home. Ate grapes. Watched some old dramas like Heaven's Wedding Gown&Romantic Princess. p90x.
Day 47-Happy Birthday Carolyn!! Chilled @ home. KFC. Period started. p90x.
Day 48-Chilled @ home. &chilled, chilled, &chilled.
Day 52-53-Spent the weekend in Stockton for Cousins engagement party. Congrats!
Day 56-Spent the day w/Ricca. Watched Charlie St. Cloud=Goooood movie! Recommend! Tried Ricca Milkshake. yummmm! then Helped her clean her room! Fun day!
Days 49-51,54,55,57-59 I'm sorry I forgotten you. Mostly home, going crazy. Guitared. Don't remember anything else.
Days 60-Happy Birthday momms! Fam-bam came over from Stockton. It was nice. Lots of little kids. lol.
Day 61-Home. Drama. Bad Love=Lovin it right now.
Day 62-Home again. Bored. Same routine.
Day 63-73- I honestly keep forgetting to update this now! But what I remember mostly was hangin out w/ CARTA @ Anna's casa, played some volleyball w/them. Ran @ Lake Chabot, boy did I pick the wrong hill to run up on! Tried walking my dog, but he's such a pansy! Finished a drama Bad Love=soooooo goooood! definitely recommend! Deactivated Facebook for a while, but now its back! That's all.
Day 74-Went professional clothes shopping @Kohls by myself. Tried on hecka clothes & bought two outfits & a cardigan=$110! crazyy! But I'm giving the outfit I'm not gonna wear to mother. Got a $20 card @ the same time! woo. Also curled ends of my hair.
Day 75-Woke up @9:30a.m. Ate cereal, got ready, picked up Ly, got gas, headed towards Davis. It was humid. Went to Sorrento, Michael&Ly had questions to ask, drove around Davis, ate McD's. Headed back to Michael/Tony/Roberto's apartment, chilled til my screening interview, changed&went, came back&chilled some more. 530p.m. departed. On freeway, me & Ly saw a fire! it was crazy! Home. Texted Ricca & went w/her to Kohl's, Bed Bath & Beyond, & Target so she can buy a vacuum. Got a trashcan. Home again! Ate dinner, watched Miss Universe Pageant, Mexico won! Congrats. Now I have to go back to Davis on Thursday for another interview. Posted a video for Carolyn, long awaited, my bad.
Day 76-Didn't do much, slept in! lol Stayed home guitared. I think I started watching Hatoru no Hikari & it's so cute!
Day 77-I hung out w/CARTA I believe, not sure. There was volleyball in there somewhere. Prep up for next day interview & long solo drive to Davis!
Day 78-Got ready to go to Davis for the interview. Got there at 12ish. Interview @ 3pm. Chilled @ Tony/Michael/Roberto's place. Went to interview, the interviewer wasn't even there, so the manager Rogerik, took her place. I was extremely nervous. I think I did baaaad in the interview.. omg. I saw the cute guy that works there though!! He still works there! WOO! Hopefully I get the job & can start workin w/him! ;D hehe. Then went to Trudy's to get Roberto & Tony their rockstars. I got the wrong one. sorry! Went back relaxed, helped clean their stuff sorta. Did random stuff til dinner. Picked up Fiona! Finally get to see her! Ate @ Ohana's. Went back to the apartment to watch Jersey Shore lol I had no clue that all of them were so into it. Dropped Fiona back at her place. Came back, got some Grape soda! Thanks Roberto! lool. Cake smash, Tony's fairy dustin! haha & drove back home w/ Michael @ 12ish.
Day 79-Slept in, I was pretty tired. Chilled. Idkay what else I did.
Day 80-Chilled & went to chill w/Carolyn & Ricca. Went to Nubi. Haven't been there in soo lonng! It was goood! haha then back to Carolyn's, played some volleyball. Home around 5pm. Started to guitar & tried to record videos. Wack. haha.
Day 81-Went to Costco w/the parents. Then Ikea w/Tony, Ly, Michael, & Roberto. Stayed there like 3 hours. Missed the Emmy's, bummer. Me & Ly got lost on the way & back to Ikea! omggg. Finally got home like 9:30ish. Ate dinner. Got text from Ricca & watched Takers w/her and Alexis. That movie was goood! Saw Nick w/his girl, & Wesley. Alexis drove herself home. Then I drove myself home, but on the way I almost ran over a possom! omfg. that thing was hideous!! Home @ 12am.
Day 82-Chilled @ home. Played w/dog, guitared. Tried recording again. loll. I can't do it.
Day 83-Chilled @ casa. Got a call from Rogerik & I got a job now!! WOOO! hahaThen out of no where, Ricca wants to bake a cake around 10pm! haha That was fun!
Day 84-Guitared a lot. Tried recording again. Lagged on packing. Guitared. Finished a drama called Yankee-kun to Megane-chan, I really reeeeally enjoyed it! haha like it was funny & sometimes sad.  Also finished another drama, Hotaru no Hikari, that one was a gooooood drama. Not your typical lovey dovey sappy tears drama, it felt more realistic. I love the main character a lot! Same w/ the Yankee drama. Also watched a movie, Cyborg Girl, w/Hotaru main character & the movie was better than I expected, glad I watched it, good life lesson. Finally started packin around 2-3a.m. LOL. Then some sleep.
Day 85- Woke up @ 11a.m. Got things ready to move. Headed towards Davis w/the folks. Showed them the apartment I'll be living in. Tony gave me my apartment key!! Awesome-ness! Went to the HR Sodexo to get my orientation set up. Then went to pick Tony & Michael up to eat @ the Pho Bac place in downtown Davis. Fun times. Dropped them back & went home. Chilled there, then went to Foodmaxx around 8:50ishp.m. & back home. Guitared. Started another drama, Hotaru no Hikari 2! I hope it's as good as the last season. 
Day 86-88-Sorry, I can't remember stuff well anymore, but I most likely dramaed, gutiared, slept in & yea.
Day 89- Went shopping w/ parents! Fun stuff. Guitared, tried recording, but I just truly hate my voice, haha.
Day 90-Drove to Ricca's house to help move some stuff to Santa Cruz. Billy & David are hilarious together. haha Bonding time w/Ricca. Ate McDonalds w/her, the most satisfying McDonalds evaah! Just because I didn't eat for like 7 hours. lol Chilled @ her place for a while. Home by midnight.
Day 91-Slept in. Chilled @ home. Played w/Oreo. Don't know what else.
Day 92-Made onion rings again & Ricca had some. I love onion rings man! sooo goood! She ate dinner w/my fambam. Lol That was fun. Watched the season premier for Hellcats online, I love Aly Michalka!
Day 93-Screen shoppin. So broke it's no joke. Check for rent today, that put a hole in my bank! lol. fuuuh.
Day 94-Happy Birthday bro! Gave him $70. Ugh goodbye shoes. Ate chinese food, cake! mmm. Watched Spirited Away & started  new dramas, Mischievous Kiss, Personal Preference, & 1% of Anything. Lovin everything so far, esp. Mischievouw Kiss! Soo cutee!
Day 95- Think I watched the season premier of ANTM online. I'm juiced! Can't wait for Supernatural's season premier! Imma jizzzz! hahaaha.
Day 96-Got waxed, lol I was lookin pretty hairy. Ate my favorite chao. Bond w/parents.
Day 97-Went to Davis for paper work. Visited apartment, Fiona wasn't there :[ & she has helllla shoes! :o haha. Screen shoppin for hella days now. Need to find bunk bed asap!
Day 98-Computer be fckin up. Idkay why?!!?I don't go to malicious sites! It's making me sad. Dl antivirus/spyware shit. Doing hella coding & shit. I have no desktop, &no volume. Running my computer through cmd&task manager. I can't drama!!! No volume is  the worst! Omg, Imma go crazy if I don't figure this out soon. So for now, I'm screen shopping, but that's making me more depressed because I have no money. & school is starting in less than a week. FTD! [fck this day!]
Day 99-Chilled @ home. Guitared. Dramad. Bro fixed my laptop! YAY!
Day 100-Went to Slz for a tennis game! Slz Vs. Mt. Eden. We won 6-0 I believe. Proud of them! Talked to people I haven't talked to in a while, that was fun. Ate w/Eliza, Judy, & Juana across the street in that Mexican place. Haven't had Steak fries in hellllla long! It was nice!. Home. Happpy Birthday Christanng! 
Day 101-Chilled @ home. Probably same o' rountine. 
Day 102-Went w/Ricca to watch Easy A. Funny movie! I liked it! Then picked up Carolyn to go gift shopping for Anna's B-day. Then went w/Ricca to get her eyebro's waxed. Mi casa next & ate food!. Then off to Anna's party! No tacos at this party, but it was still a goood party! haha. Target w/C.A.R.T. later, then I finally went through one of those drive thru car washes for the first time! EPIC! Thanks Ricca for needing to wash her car late at night!
Day 103-Packed for Davis&furniture shopped. Ughh dreading this school year already. I would honestly drop out if I could. boohoo. Left to Davis. 
Day 104-Davis. Chilled @ apartment. Maybe other stuff, can't remember. Oh! Went to job orientation. Sooooo borrring! Lady just talked for 3 hours. & Signed hellla paperwork. Welcome back rally. Fun. Walking home. So far, but thanks to Fiona! She saved us! Found a crawfish too! awesome. & Fiona made delissh dinner! Chicken Parmesan Spaghetti & Garlic bread! hellllla goood!
Day 105-Suppose to get tour of DC, but no. Cancel b/c the managers had special event to do. Idkay what else I did. Went to Tony's friends beer pong party, people are so funny.  
Day106-Tour of DC. Pretty cool place, saw cute guy up close this time! Wow he's gorgeous. hahaha. Got my work clothes & name tag today! coool! First job ever! Don't want school to start. UGhhh. 
September 22, 2010 - Summer Ends.

& That is how I spent my summer! Awesome right? haha. maybe not, but it was really fun. Now school has started & gotta survive til next summer! 

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