Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I just wanna get your attention.

Having the worst relationship conversation ever leads me to thinkin how much my love life doesn't even exist. In the process, I end up makin somebody feel hurtish, then to only acknowledge how my life sucks more by trying to make them feel better about themselves. LLOL. Fail. Sigh. I've never had a relationship in my life and that doesn't really bother me, I'm always stuck in this friendzone or sister image zone, so I guess that's why I never really put myself out there. I also think that I have high standards, so I think I should stop watching too much dramas, for hellz I know that shnaps does not exist over here in America. I needa hop on a plane to Korea or Japan or somethin. haha. And since I've been doing this whole honestly thing this week, I'm pretty scared of relationships, but isn't that everybody? Also everyone that did like me, I didn't like. So should I just go out with the peeps that do like me? But I don't wanna date anyone outta pity. No one really likes me that I like, maybe because I never really put myself out there. I think I should just do it, stick my itty bitty heart out there and if it fails: it fails. Move on to the next fish and eat it. Wouldn't it be so nice and easy if the guy I like just liked me and came to me saying, "I like you"? That would be awesome possom. Another part, I think why guys don't like me, because I'm so guyish&slightly weird. But I'm not gonna change for nobody, I hellla love who I am too much[that may sound conceited as hecks but it's tru &idgaf], unless its a positive to me and them. I ain't no fckin bitch! hhahaha. I'm thinkin about this too much, needa quit that shit.

Okay well, if that didn't bore you enough. I kiiiindaa like this guy. Kiiinddaaah. I don't know him too well, so it's like whatevs. But from what I do know, he's funny and nice. Reallly cute. heheh.Not much, but heyy I just wanna get your attentioooon! Imma try to get to know this fool and see ya know, the dealios. But I feel like I'm sooo outt of his league or his girl type! FTT!(Fck that thinking! just in case I forget what I meant that to be later) mangg. I mention some of that in the last blog. But back on track, I'm going to "put myself out there" lol. Hopefully, I'll get somewhere, and hopefully I can get some of yo love expertise. Y'all know who I'm talkin bout , y'all know who...anybody. LOL. I hope during this Spring quarter, he'll notice me and likes me! heheh. Feelin like a little schoolgirl! FTW!

I'm diggin this Usher song though.

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