Friday, April 30, 2010

I want to hold your hand.

So today was tiring as heckkk man! Pulled an all nighter the other day, slept at 6:43isha.m, woke up at 7:15a.m. to get ready for my 8am class(drama). Man, when it hit 3a.m., I was so frikkin sleeepy!, but once 4:30ish came around I was energized mang! Ridiculous. Usually when I stay up late, I get hellla weird and that whole morning , I was really happy lookin like. LOL. It looked like I was high or somethin.

In drama, I'm always looking forward to it because it's always fun and interactive. As we all know, I have this little thangthaaang for this guy and I have no clue if he likes me or anything. Sometimes I think he somewhat acknowledges that I exist, I feel like he might like me or at least think I'm cute, hopes so. hahah. Idkay though, I tend to over exaggerate things a bit and blow it out of proportion, gettin my hopes all high and shnaps. Everyday, near the end of class, we gather up into a circle and take our right hand palm up hovering under the person's hand that is next to you while the left hand palm face down hovers over neighbor's hand. We close our eyes and imagine a source of energy that travels around the circle, then we hold hands with each other and look our ensemble in the eyes and thank each other. That's how we end class everyday, and I try to stand next to him without making it look obvious so I can hold his hand and bask in my secret joy that I'm holding his hand! hahah, but it never works out. Hopefully, that day will come! haha I swear I'm such a loserr! I just wanna know how his hand feels! I should just go up to him and be like "I want to hold your hand!" but thats just completely awkward. Not as awkward as the storyline of my scene for my midterm. hahaha In the scene, I'm a prostitute and I've been caught by my father and he is trying to figure out why I'm doing this, ashamed. Flippin ridikidonki!

Well after that, went to my Social class early and slept in there for the 30 minutes I had. When class started I studied for my Anthro midterm I have right after Social. I didn't even study for that goddamn midterm before hand, I believe I failed it. Sheeit. I was soo tired after that . Went to Ly's dorm after that test and ate a bag of chips, it was the only thing I ate since yesterdays dinner! It was now like 1:30pm. Hellla hungry. Then took a nap on Michael's bed til my next class at 3pm. That came around, ended, went back to Ly's place til my discussion class at 5pm. Sheit mang, I was dozen off in that class hellla bad, like I tried to write but it wasnt crackin, I wrote all over the place. Hella sleep deprived and starved. Went back to Ly's place around 6:15ish, ATE DINNER! heelllls yes, but I didn't even eat a lot. lol. Went to Tercero Got Talent, Ryan & Edgar won first place! So proud of them! It was clear that they were the best. Got them to autograph my fingers! WOOT! Then Henry autographed my arm! lol.

Good luck on your tournament! Better win! Then idkay what happened after, I went to take like an hour nap til bball game was over, left back to Cuarto. Me and Tony stopped to go watch Michael, Evonne, Henry, & Bach? play some bball, they had good games! Henry was so hyper and stuff, cutestuff. haha.

Back at my place, getting ready for my LDA midterm tomorrow. blaahh. Then Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday are my other midterms! fck I want next week to go by fast!! Sheit I'm stresssssed.Then this Saturday, I have that frikkin walking tour at 9AM. ughhh. Just wanna sleeep!

That's all I gots fo now. DanceDance!

Here's my song of the day!

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