Friday, April 16, 2010

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me... no more! (bum bum bum bumm bum..)

Why is this guy so darn cute!? I just think he is simply adorable mang. Could look at him all day.
Nice smile. Nice eyes. Funny. Similar interests. I could possibly like him! hahah. Siigghh. Even if I did like him, nothing will happen between us, because I figured out (thanks to Ly) that I'm a guy. My index finger is longer than my ring finger=guyguyguyguyguyguy. I think that's why guys never like me, because I'm a dude. LOLOL. I hope that's not true. -____- But even if it weren't, he looks like the type of guy that likes white girls that are tall ish, with nice bodies, and blonde hair. Which I am none of those, I'm yellow, short, fat, and browned head=he'll never like a girl like me! I guess gotta go find someone who loves me for me! My love life is currently at 0%, it's finna hit negatives when I turn twenty I believe. haha. 

But on a less depressing life story of mines, Brian, Tony, and I finally followed through with our plan to eat at Cuarto DC! It's been lagged on since Fall '09! haha. But we finally done it! & dude, that DC isn't bad at all! I realllly liked it. Nice atmosphere, homey vibe, I believe cuter guys too! Idkay why people bag on Cuarto's DC, it's goood. People probably just like Tercero or Segundo because they think bigger is better, but small & simplest is best. Another cool thing about Cuarto's is that you can order your shizzz & they shout out your name when its done like, "ORDER FOR (NAME)!!!" It's soo cooool! I think imma eat there more often.=}

Daily nows: I needa catch up on shabamizzles loads of readizzles! maang. Soc2 readings>trang, I'm getting beasted on by the reading workload mang.

Well peace out. I gots reading to do. 'Til next time & just dance like you're naked and no one is around! WOOO!

1 comment:

  1. "i think that's why guys never like me, because i'm a dude" ahahah.
    you sound like ur on a prowl. POUNCE ON THIS FOO !
