Friday, April 30, 2010

I want to hold your hand.

So today was tiring as heckkk man! Pulled an all nighter the other day, slept at 6:43isha.m, woke up at 7:15a.m. to get ready for my 8am class(drama). Man, when it hit 3a.m., I was so frikkin sleeepy!, but once 4:30ish came around I was energized mang! Ridiculous. Usually when I stay up late, I get hellla weird and that whole morning , I was really happy lookin like. LOL. It looked like I was high or somethin.

In drama, I'm always looking forward to it because it's always fun and interactive. As we all know, I have this little thangthaaang for this guy and I have no clue if he likes me or anything. Sometimes I think he somewhat acknowledges that I exist, I feel like he might like me or at least think I'm cute, hopes so. hahah. Idkay though, I tend to over exaggerate things a bit and blow it out of proportion, gettin my hopes all high and shnaps. Everyday, near the end of class, we gather up into a circle and take our right hand palm up hovering under the person's hand that is next to you while the left hand palm face down hovers over neighbor's hand. We close our eyes and imagine a source of energy that travels around the circle, then we hold hands with each other and look our ensemble in the eyes and thank each other. That's how we end class everyday, and I try to stand next to him without making it look obvious so I can hold his hand and bask in my secret joy that I'm holding his hand! hahah, but it never works out. Hopefully, that day will come! haha I swear I'm such a loserr! I just wanna know how his hand feels! I should just go up to him and be like "I want to hold your hand!" but thats just completely awkward. Not as awkward as the storyline of my scene for my midterm. hahaha In the scene, I'm a prostitute and I've been caught by my father and he is trying to figure out why I'm doing this, ashamed. Flippin ridikidonki!

Well after that, went to my Social class early and slept in there for the 30 minutes I had. When class started I studied for my Anthro midterm I have right after Social. I didn't even study for that goddamn midterm before hand, I believe I failed it. Sheeit. I was soo tired after that . Went to Ly's dorm after that test and ate a bag of chips, it was the only thing I ate since yesterdays dinner! It was now like 1:30pm. Hellla hungry. Then took a nap on Michael's bed til my next class at 3pm. That came around, ended, went back to Ly's place til my discussion class at 5pm. Sheit mang, I was dozen off in that class hellla bad, like I tried to write but it wasnt crackin, I wrote all over the place. Hella sleep deprived and starved. Went back to Ly's place around 6:15ish, ATE DINNER! heelllls yes, but I didn't even eat a lot. lol. Went to Tercero Got Talent, Ryan & Edgar won first place! So proud of them! It was clear that they were the best. Got them to autograph my fingers! WOOT! Then Henry autographed my arm! lol.

Good luck on your tournament! Better win! Then idkay what happened after, I went to take like an hour nap til bball game was over, left back to Cuarto. Me and Tony stopped to go watch Michael, Evonne, Henry, & Bach? play some bball, they had good games! Henry was so hyper and stuff, cutestuff. haha.

Back at my place, getting ready for my LDA midterm tomorrow. blaahh. Then Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday are my other midterms! fck I want next week to go by fast!! Sheit I'm stresssssed.Then this Saturday, I have that frikkin walking tour at 9AM. ughhh. Just wanna sleeep!

That's all I gots fo now. DanceDance!

Here's my song of the day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I just wanna get your attention.

Having the worst relationship conversation ever leads me to thinkin how much my love life doesn't even exist. In the process, I end up makin somebody feel hurtish, then to only acknowledge how my life sucks more by trying to make them feel better about themselves. LLOL. Fail. Sigh. I've never had a relationship in my life and that doesn't really bother me, I'm always stuck in this friendzone or sister image zone, so I guess that's why I never really put myself out there. I also think that I have high standards, so I think I should stop watching too much dramas, for hellz I know that shnaps does not exist over here in America. I needa hop on a plane to Korea or Japan or somethin. haha. And since I've been doing this whole honestly thing this week, I'm pretty scared of relationships, but isn't that everybody? Also everyone that did like me, I didn't like. So should I just go out with the peeps that do like me? But I don't wanna date anyone outta pity. No one really likes me that I like, maybe because I never really put myself out there. I think I should just do it, stick my itty bitty heart out there and if it fails: it fails. Move on to the next fish and eat it. Wouldn't it be so nice and easy if the guy I like just liked me and came to me saying, "I like you"? That would be awesome possom. Another part, I think why guys don't like me, because I'm so guyish&slightly weird. But I'm not gonna change for nobody, I hellla love who I am too much[that may sound conceited as hecks but it's tru &idgaf], unless its a positive to me and them. I ain't no fckin bitch! hhahaha. I'm thinkin about this too much, needa quit that shit.

Okay well, if that didn't bore you enough. I kiiiindaa like this guy. Kiiinddaaah. I don't know him too well, so it's like whatevs. But from what I do know, he's funny and nice. Reallly cute. heheh.Not much, but heyy I just wanna get your attentioooon! Imma try to get to know this fool and see ya know, the dealios. But I feel like I'm sooo outt of his league or his girl type! FTT!(Fck that thinking! just in case I forget what I meant that to be later) mangg. I mention some of that in the last blog. But back on track, I'm going to "put myself out there" lol. Hopefully, I'll get somewhere, and hopefully I can get some of yo love expertise. Y'all know who I'm talkin bout , y'all know who...anybody. LOL. I hope during this Spring quarter, he'll notice me and likes me! heheh. Feelin like a little schoolgirl! FTW!

I'm diggin this Usher song though.

Friday, April 16, 2010

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me... no more! (bum bum bum bumm bum..)

Why is this guy so darn cute!? I just think he is simply adorable mang. Could look at him all day.
Nice smile. Nice eyes. Funny. Similar interests. I could possibly like him! hahah. Siigghh. Even if I did like him, nothing will happen between us, because I figured out (thanks to Ly) that I'm a guy. My index finger is longer than my ring finger=guyguyguyguyguyguy. I think that's why guys never like me, because I'm a dude. LOLOL. I hope that's not true. -____- But even if it weren't, he looks like the type of guy that likes white girls that are tall ish, with nice bodies, and blonde hair. Which I am none of those, I'm yellow, short, fat, and browned head=he'll never like a girl like me! I guess gotta go find someone who loves me for me! My love life is currently at 0%, it's finna hit negatives when I turn twenty I believe. haha. 

But on a less depressing life story of mines, Brian, Tony, and I finally followed through with our plan to eat at Cuarto DC! It's been lagged on since Fall '09! haha. But we finally done it! & dude, that DC isn't bad at all! I realllly liked it. Nice atmosphere, homey vibe, I believe cuter guys too! Idkay why people bag on Cuarto's DC, it's goood. People probably just like Tercero or Segundo because they think bigger is better, but small & simplest is best. Another cool thing about Cuarto's is that you can order your shizzz & they shout out your name when its done like, "ORDER FOR (NAME)!!!" It's soo cooool! I think imma eat there more often.=}

Daily nows: I needa catch up on shabamizzles loads of readizzles! maang. Soc2 readings>trang, I'm getting beasted on by the reading workload mang.

Well peace out. I gots reading to do. 'Til next time & just dance like you're naked and no one is around! WOOO!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ya'll know how i does!

loooll. That title cracks me up.

Man, taking the bus everyday is not the business. I walk to my classes and I see people riding their bikes, makes me soo sad. It wasn't until a couple of days ago where it hit me hard that I lost my bike. It's my baby, ya know what im sayin? Seeing everyone ridin their bikes to class and shit makes me depressed. I really took my bike for granted.

So today, I bused to my 8am class, to find out my teacher is sick, so a subguy took over the tour of the theatre place. At least I got to see this guy I think is realllllly reallly cute. hhaha. Then got out of that class an hour and thirty minutes early. I was like wtheo am I suppose to do, no bike, class in an hour. So I sat at this place between Olson and the library (it's really pretty) and watched two ducks. It was nice and a guy driving one of the school vehicles thingy smiled at me when he passed by, I smiled back. Idkay, but things like that makes me really happy. Ya know, the whole smile to random strangers thing. haha.

So then I was like ehh, I'm hungry, so I decided to walk to Tercero and eat breakfast, all I ate was yogurt and granola, which Jayne got me on, and cantaloupes and grapefruit. Dee-lish!  Before I ate though, I circled around A.P.A.T.H. to see if anyone was around and I probably looked like a weirdo, but I was checking if the peeps were up. So then I walked over on the computer service side of Tercero, thinking about my bike and how much I miss it, then looked at the bikes on the bike rack, and I see this one bike that looks familiar. So I pass by, and HOLYSHIT! it's mines!! I kept walking to the DC, while covering my mouth. I WAS HELLLA JUICED! lolol. Then I went to go eat.

Then, I leave and hop on my beautiful bike!!! and rode off into the sunset to my next class! hahah. Got to my next class like thirty minutes early, and then the class finds out that our professor left abruptly for medical issues and won't be teaching the course anymore! WTH! but then we are still enrolled in the class, I was hoping we weren't -_- lol. but yea, now gotta wait til next lecture to see what will happen. So then we got out of class like five minutes in and I'm like.. wtf do I do for an hour and a half! Decided to go to the computer room.

In the computer room, I just went there to stall time before my next class. I decided to send a e-mail to my Drama teacher, saying I hope he gets better. Clicked. Send. Then I check what I sent, and I see this "We here from Brian,.." and I'm like shit, I put the wrong here, and now I look like a donkey. So then I go and send him another e-mail saying, "I meant to say "hear" instead of "here" by the way. haha...". Thought about it, and was like, you just made that ten times more awkward for yourself! Dang, oh well, I was trying to be nice.

After, went to next class a lil too early.. haha. So I slept outside Sci Lec building hella awkwardly. I was sitting and had my elbow on my thigh, bent forward so my face rested on my hand. Then class started, I actually paid attention and stuff! A few times I kept dozing off, but never really slept! So good for trang! Then decided to go back to cuarto since my next class is at 3. Got out of class at 1:30, and ate some delishessness of fried chicken and mash potatoes that I brought from home, originally from KFC! hahah. Ya'll know how I does! Good belly time. Then played guitar for the remainder of the time. After class, I went to A.P.A.T.H. and chilled there, "studied" ish, dinner, failblogged, slept over. OH! and watched Michael & Amy watch Pain Olympics for the first time! It sooo funnnay!!! Too bad Ly didn't record it! lol. It was ridonkously funny.

That was my day and blah blahh blaahhh. 'Til next time, pooparoo! I <3 my bike.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


... If I had a nice body, I'd walk around naked.
I'm just sayin..

Need inspiration to work out hard! need to play some hardcore sports! BRING IT BITCHES!
