Monday, July 19, 2010


It's so much of a hassle to be a girly girl.
-Eyes waxed
-Armpits waxed
-Legs waxed
-Pedicure&half a manicure.
 =A good 2 hours maybe.

I didn't want to do it, but my parentos made me because they said I was getting ugly. LOL No they didn't say that exactly, but it was the meaning behind them.

> These what my eyebrows look like when waxed. Break out session. But I applied toothpaste on my brows to reduce the ugly&redness before I took this photo.

Photo left: Me and my armpit. Hey @ least it's not hairy. haha.


>My legs waxed. See those 2 red dots near my ankle. Fcking bug bit me, those assholes, it was worse like a week ago, where behind my calf on the same leg, some bitch bit me 5 times in the same area. Then like the next day, they invited a couple of friends to have a snack probably&got 6 bite marks on my chest in a line up to my neck&3 bites formulating a triangle on the side of my stomach, trying to do a ritual or something. Assholes. See that line on my left leg, my dog tried to eat me. &that bruise look-a-like thang on my knee is a battle wound from me trying to learn how to swim@Cull Canyon last summer. WTF. Scar. I have more issues with the legs, but trying to hide from picture.

Photo to left: I tried to paint flower designs on my nails w/a strand of my hair(I remember my moms doing that when I was younger, so decided to try), tried to create like a Cherry Blossom silhouette w/orange highlights. Thumb has a French Tip design, thought that was ugly so stopped that. In the end it looks like some abstract shit. Looloo. Only did left hand, because too lazy.
>Mom did my feetsies. Purty right. Only showed the right foot, because I already messed up the other foot. Fail.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I tried to do my hair. I tried to do it.

Tried to do the Farrah Fawcett hairdo. But that girl got too much volume.

 Go to Here! for more pictures&why I did these faces. LOL
Next hair do, various styles of buns. I'll also attempt to to make up. 

Friday, July 2, 2010

Awww Sheeiit!

I almost ran a red light today. Boooooyyy was that scary! I was like ohhh fcccckk! I didn't see where the stop line was, it was like a thin ass line mixed up w/the leave clear box and the train track lines. So I was going like 35-40mph, & the light turned red, & I was like aw sheit where is this fcking line? Then I stopped hella fast, but it was still smooth, haha & my car is like already half way past the line. Hella embarrassed, so I pulled up my window @ the stop light hoping no one could see me, but it was no use since my window is clear. I was saying to my bro,"Sheit, did it take a picture? did you see a flash???" But it didnt hopefully. Then it went green, & the car next to me drove pretty fast, I was thinking  they wanted to see who is the retard that almost ran a red. He hella looked at me as he past me, probably was like fcking idiot. haha & I said out loud, "Sorry phillipino man!, I can't drive!-hand gesture saying that I was sorryish-"(I saw the Flipflag hanging, thats how I knew  he was Phillipino) haha. He didn't hear me, thank goodness. I bet hella people saw me and my attempt to stop, but I ain't probably never gonna see them again, sheit like that don't faze me & life goes on.

Sheeeit dude, I was scared though, like fckFCKFCK NO reD! FCK YOU STOP LIGHT!!!!! AND DUMB ASS LIMITLINE!!!That might have came off as angry, but I was startled. haha I guess in driving, this is really my weakness, gawdayum stop lines and shiiizz.